
ME Department Labrotary

List of Laboratories & Workshops:

Laboratories are an important component of engineering education. The laboratory courses are designed for the students to practice principles taught in the theory courses, as well as to get hands-on training on basic machines and tools. Further, the laboratory facilities are required by the students and faculty to carry out experimental research and development work. The current status of the Departmental laboratory facilities is outlined below.

No. Name of the Laboratories PG/UG
1 Turning shop
2 Machine shop
3 Welding Shop
4 Foundry shop
5 Fitting shop
6 Pattern shop
7 Heat treatment Lab
8 CAM Lab
9 Metrology Lab
10 Dynamics of Machines Lab
11 Industrial Engineering Lab
12 Mechanical Vibration Lab
13 Steam Engineering Lab
14 RAC Lab
15 Fluid Mechanics Lab
16 Instrumentation & Control Lab
17 Heat Transfer Lab
18 I C Engines Lab