
Achievements EE Department


  • Department is running UG programme in Electrical Engg. (90 intake) and 2 PG programme in Power Systems (18 intake) and Power Electronics and Electric Drives (18 intake). Department has 22 PhD research scholars out of which 05 are full-time and 17 part-time.
  • Faculty members have been regularly publishing International/ National/ Journal papers, Conference papers, attending International/ National Conferences, Seminars and delivering keynote addresses, expert lectures etc. Faculty members have published their research papers including international journal of repute “IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery” besides in several other international and national journals.
  • Few faculty members have won awards in academics.
  • Two faculty members have visited Malaysia under TEQIP programme to present their research paper in International Conference. Faculty members have been regularly attending international, national conferences, short term courses and also have been invited for delivering key-note addresses and expert lectures.
  • Students are regularly getting good placements.
  • TEQIP purchase - Deptt. has submitted proposals for purchase under TEQIP for approximately 80 Lakh for development of Deptt. Laboratories. Most of the orders are released and remaining are under process.
  • Department has conducted recently two short term courses under TEQIP, one National Seminar and one Short Term Training Programme
  • M. Tech. Viva Held: For 2009 batch 7 viva-voce, for 2010 08, 2011 08 have been held.